Holbrook Heights HOA


Meeting Agendas: LINK

The Pool Is Currently Closed.
October 31st marked the closing of our pool until Memorial Day.
Thank you to all residents and pool staff for a great pool season!
 Community Room and BBQ area reservation system are still open.
Click on the Reservations Tab on the top left of this page.


The Board utilizes e-blast notifications, both from the HHCA website and from BAPS, to distribute information to the community in a timely manner.

E-blast will be the first and easiest place you can find out about things like Board meeting dates and times, work in and around the community, important and timely updates for the pool, and the newsletter.

If you are not signed up to receive email notifications, you are missing out on a lot of important content!

  • Go to your member profile go to your email options and check: notify me when new news stories are posted for updates.
  • Sign up on the below form to be added to our community mailing list to receive e-newsletters, updates and announcements.
  • Please remember to update your address/mailing address with Jenn@bayservice.net

Welcome to Holbrook Heights

Holbrook Heights is a community of 931 homes built in North Concord in the 1950s. The all-volunteer community association board manages the pool and park for the community's members.

We are conveniently located within walking distance to BART and Concord's bustling downtown.

We also share our neighborhood with Holbrook Language Academy Elementary School.

Please log in so you can browse the entire site and check out all of the features, such as downloading community documents, access to your statement, making a reservation for the Community Room, viewing the photos in the photo gallery.

Please be aware: Any and all community members are urged to register and join the site, however for legal reasons certain areas of the site are only accessible to homeowners. Thank you for your understanding.

Questions and concerns can not be addressed through social media platforms
(i.e. Facebook, Nextdoor, etc.). Homeowners are welcome and invited to address the Board at any regularly scheduled Board of Directors Meeting, the fourth Tuesday of the month, during open session.

Any immediate questions or concerns regarding the Association are to be directed to our Community Manager:

Mimi Hood, CCAM

Bay Area Property Services (BAPS)

3021 Citrus Circle, Ste 205

Walnut Creek, CA 94598

925.746.0542 ext. 118

925.746.0554 fax


Any questions regarding billing/dues are to be directed to:


The Association Board has decided to move our Financial Management over to Bay Area Property Services (BAPS). They are currently our Management Company but now they will be taking care of our Financial and Management Services as well.
Going forward you will need to update your assessment payment information.

The Association will be using Alliance Bank. Please begin sending your payments to:

Holbrook Heights HOA
HOA Remittance Processing
P O Box 98177
Las Vegas, NV 89193

Please be sure to include your account number (provided on your monthly statement) in order to have your payment properly applied to your account.

If you are set up with auto payments through the prior management company, please cancel them.
You may sign onto the Alliance bank owner website and set up auto payment using the information on your statement. There is no cost in setting up automatic payments when using your bank account information.

Any questions regarding reserving facilities are to be directed to:



Download and print your pool packet from this link ---> POOL

Holbrook Heights Community Association
Concord, CA
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